Laser Skin Rejuvenation

Skin Tightening and Skin Rejuvenation

Our revolutionary laser machines, can offer a range of laser skin tightening and rejuvenation treatments for the face and body. This is a method to firm and tighten areas of the face and body that have been damaged or affected by age. The laser skin tightening targets specific areas to promote the production of new collagen and cell repair, and is designed to achieve a more revitalised appearance. Although results can be noticeable after just a single treatment, our experts will consult with you and recommend a course of treatments based on your desired result. Advanced laser skin tightening treatments are available in selected clinics only – please ask for details.

Our Laser machines

We use non-invasive laser technology to safely, discretely and effectively treat fine line wrinkles, large pores, uneven skin texture, diffuse redness and scars. You can expect to see subtle yet consistent results after each treatment, without unwanted side effects such as bruising or excessive skin irritation*.

How does it work?

In a skin tightening treatment a laser targets the area deep within the skin causing the collagen within the skin to contract. This process removes sun damaged tissue, before stimulating the production of new, healthier skin cells and rebuilding fresh collagen in the skin. This plumps the skin from below whilst repairing photo-damage and other skin imperfections*.  

Treatable areas include:

    • Forehead and cheeks
    • Eyebrows
    • Wrinkles around the eyes
    • Thighs
    • Arms
    • Abdomen
    • Buttocks
Facial Skin Tightening with our new Laser Technology! 
Skin Tightening before

In addition, the laser can be used to target sun-spots, which can make the skin look older than it really is. laser_sun   laser_skin_rejuvenation

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Laser Skin Therapy work?

By gently heating the upper dermis well below your skin’s surface, the laser stimulates collagen regrowth. Additional heat is generated in dilated capillaries to reduce redness.

What can I expect before the treatment?

You will not need gel, anesthetic cream or ice prior to treatment. Before the actual Laser treatment, you will be asked to remove your make-up or moisturisers and, in some cases, you may be asked to shave the area to be treated. Your laser nurse will review and assist with all pre-treatment requirements.

How many treatments will I need?

The treatment results are often subtle. Every patient’s condition and needs vary. For more information about your expected results and the number of treatments book a free of charge consultation and test patch.

What are the possible side effects?

Although most patients report few if any side effects, the most common is a slight redness that disappears within a few hours of treatment.

What kind of skin improvement can I expect?

Over the course of treatments, the treatment can help restore the skin’s youthful glow and appearance by smoothing out uneven textures caused by aging, sun damage or scars. The treatment is designed to reduce the size of large pores, diminish minor blemishes and provide you with a healthier looking complexion.